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Kelly Family

The Kelly Family: A Musical Family's Enduring Legacy

An Angel's Legacy

Who can forget the haunting melody of "An Angel" by The Kelly Family? Released in 1994, this hit single from the album Over The Hump soared to the top of the charts worldwide, becoming an anthem for millions.

The Birth of a Family Band

The Kelly Family's musical journey began in the 1970s when a group of siblings from Dublin, Ireland, started performing together. With their unique blend of folk, pop, and gospel, they quickly gained a following across Europe.

As their popularity grew, The Kelly Family released a string of successful albums, including Almost Heaven (1990) and Over The Hump (1994). Their chart-topping singles, such as "I Can't Help Myself," "Santa Maria," and "Because It's Love," captivated audiences with their heartfelt lyrics and infectious melodies.

The Kelly Family's story is a testament to the power of family bonds and the enduring appeal of music. Their songs continue to inspire and uplift generations of listeners, leaving an unforgettable mark on the world of entertainment.
