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Upcoming News Article Botswana Labour Market Observatory Employment Exchange Service

Upcoming News Article: Botswana Labour Market Observatory Employment Exchange Service

Encouraging Employers and Jobseekers to Utilize LMO Services

Relevant and Timely Labour Market Information

Employers and jobseekers alike are encouraged to make use of the Botswana Labour Market Observatory (LMO) employment exchange service. The LMO aims to provide users with quality, relevant, and timely labour market information they need to make informed decisions about the job market.

Understanding the Labour Market

The labour market refers to the supply of and demand for labour. Employees provide the supply of labour, while employers demand it. As of the fourth quarter of 2022, Botswana's unemployment rate stood at 25.4 percent, highlighting the need for effective labour market information.

Foundation for Analysis

The information provided by the LMO serves as a foundation for analyzing respondents' expectations about the future of jobs and skills in the next five years. This assessment will enable policymakers and stakeholders to make informed decisions about the labour market's future.
